This webpage aims to expose the ways media campaigns take advantage of harmful black stereotypes in order to make a profit or to continue damaging Jim Crow-esque agendas. I will focus on four common clichéd images and narratives of blackness that are broadcast across a wide range of mediums today, showing the ways they manifest in historical and current media. This evidence will then be helpful in critically examining the direct connections between the ways these stereotypes are used in the media and the ways black victims of institutional violence are represented and targeted. |
Subservient. Caretaker. Black (non) femininity. Demasculinizing.
Uncle Tom
Older. Subservient. Loyal to whites. Hostile towards blacks.
The Jezebel
Hypersexual. Exotic. Object. Perpetually exploitable. Temptress.
The Black BruteHyperviolent. Hypersexual. Thug. Guilty. Savage. Criminal.